LEEAF (Leading for Equity in Entrepreneurship Accelerator and Fellowship)
The deliverables presented highlight and showcase the work I've curated from Summer 2021 through Fall 2022. I focused on project management, social impact, and delivery systems. I received intensive training by building strong community roots to develop career skills and build high-value networks rooted in emerging visions of economic justice. I worked to gain entrepreneurial skills that are marketable and career-ready.
LEEAF Deliverable - Personal Brand
My name is Elizabeth Cruz Garcia, and I serve people like me! Those first-generation Latinx students enter adulthood while simultaneously trying to dive into the professional world. With my targeted work, I plan to work with businesses that will allow me to grow my professional development skills while teaching me how to get specific things done. I stand out from other students because my background in mass communications has allowed me to create a copy write and a creative brief, amongst other things. I hope to learn more about marketing with my developed skills, content creation, and creative projects.
LEEAF Deliverable - Profile a Small Business
I am a college student passionate about social justice and small business. Recently, I identified a BIPOC business in East/South LA that could benefit from the LEEAF Accelerator. After researching the area, I was drawn to a small business called Milpa Grille. With this deliverable, I described how this business could benefit from LEEAF and also included why this business stood out to me.
I am passionate about helping small BIPOC businesses, so I am excited to have the opportunity to share this knowledge and work with the LEEAF Accelerator.
LEEAF Deliverable - Profile a Business Accelerator
I am a student interested in business and entrepreneurship and had the opportunity to work with the Business Accelerator in partnership with the LEEAF. During this time, I developed a profile for Educated Chola, a Latina lifestyle brand based in LA focused on mental health.
This project was a great learning experience for me, as I had the chance to explore how to profile a business and growth strategies.
LEEAF Deliverable - Social Platforms
As a student, I have always been passionate about using the power of technology to help people reach their goals. After being asked to create a breakdown of social platforms that would benefit Educated Chola, I was excited to put my skills to the test.
Through my research and analysis, I created a comprehensive report that identified the best social media platforms to use for the company.